Phillip Bachelder, Realtor

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Service is Service is Service

Service is Service is Service

June 17, 2017

     Service… What is that? What forms can it come in? Is one form of providing service better than another? Is there a way to determine if I am going to get amazing service before I choose a company or in this case a Real Estate agent? What does good service even look like anymore; With technology creeping into every area of our lives. Is it possible to provide a service through technology, social media, text, email etc.? These are all valid thoughts, so let’s delve into them a little further.

     First, I think it is a valid place to start with addressing the transition of Social Media becoming a major hub for any business. If used correctly and effectively Social media can make great contacts, and get you in front of people that would otherwise never even know that you existed. Side note; girls put a shirt on, and have some self-respect. Portrait yourself in a classy, elegant, beautiful way. Guys; clean yourself up. Stop making half way videos or posts. Make sure you look good! It is something we call knowing your audience. I am not talking about the posts for family and friends. In those instances, just be who you are. But, when posting with intention be intentional.

      This brings me to my next transition point. Be intentional when you are providing a service! Make sure you think through the details on how people will see you? So that, they can better understand where you are coming from and the service that you will provide. Are you trying to make your image to be one of the Duck Dynasty Family or in the Trump family? Neither of these is bad, rather they are different and very successful. You just need to make sure you know where you want to go in your business. Either of the fore mentioned families are successful in presenting an image, persona, look, behavior that is consistent. Do the same when it comes to service and there is no way you can lose. You will immediately set yourself apart from your competition.

        How, does all of this apply to service? Well, when you put yourself out there it creates a certain expectation that people are going to expect from you. For example, I always try to come across with energy and personality that is backed with deep levels of information. I do this because I believe that people that work with me are going to get a high energy, fun, creative, focused, and strategy oriented experience. Once that expectation is set, it must be maintained! I promise you! PROMISE YOU! That if you call me, you are going to get energy, excitement, hope, and encouragement. You will also receive a high level of availability (I answer my phone! Which seems to be a lost art as well).

     Sometimes, I communicate so much, I wonder if I am annoying my clients with over communication. Because I believe in communicating everything all the way through. I hate it when I feel like my clients have question marks concerning the home buying or selling experience. One good example of great service that I can give is Chick Fila’. I know every time I go there I will see and hear two things. First, I will see a smile within 30 seconds. Secondly, I will hear the famous saying, “it’s my pleasure.”

      In closing, it is irrelevant as to what method you use to provide service to your clients. Whether it is through technology, in person, or snail mail. What matters is quality and consistency. Make sure your clients feel like the service you give them creates trust and alleviates doubt. Make sure you provide a relational experience coupled with an educational one. Make sure you set yourself apart. Find a niche that makes you stick out. AND please please please do not be an overbearing aggressive sales person because nobody responds to that approach.

-Phillip Bachelder, Realtor #PBRealty